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    February 6, 2024
    TikTok Tests 30-Minute Videos: A Game Changer for Creators and Brands

    TikTok is reportedly testing an expansion of its video length limits, with some users
    having the option to upload videos up to 30-minutes in length.¹ TikTok has been
    gradually increasing its video length limits, with three-minute videos introduced in 2021
    and ten-minute uploads later on. In the event that TikTok does decide to raise the
    maximum time to 30-minutes, this could have a big impact on marketers and creators
    alike, possibly requiring a shift in content strategies on the site.

    Exploring TikTok’s Venture into Long-Form Video Uploads

    TikTok’s exploration into extending video lengths to 30-minutes could improve in the
    direction towards more detailed content. Long-form content is set to unlock new
    avenues for creative storytelling, offering creators the opportunity to delve into topics
    with greater depth and detail than ever before. Insights from an analysis review 1.¹
    million videos in order to reveal key advantages associated with long-form content.²

    The introduction of TikTok’s Creativity Program, which offers enhanced monetization for
    popular long-form uploads, represents a significant incentive for creators to invest in
    longer content. Based on research given, videos between 30–60 minutes have an
    average view-through rate of 26%.² User behavior is gradually shifting, with users now
    spending half their time on TikTok, watching content longer than a minute, and creators
    who post longer videos experiencing a measurable growth in followers.³ This move not
    only promises to enrich the platform’s content ecosystem but also opens up new
    revenue streams for creators, encouraging the production of high-quality, engaging

    Concerns and Skepticism with Long-Form Video Content

    Instagram’s decision to remove the IGTV button from its main app serves as a warning
    for TikTok as it ventures into the world of long-form video content. Despite Instagram’s
    huge user base, IGTV struggled to gain traction, with only around 7 million downloads in
    18 months since its launch, compared to TikTok’s staggering 1.15 billion downloads
    during a similar timeframe.

    This stark contrast illustrates the challenges of convincing users to engage with longer
    videos, even on a platform as prominent as Instagram. TikTok should heed this example
    and approach its shift to long-form content with careful consideration, understanding
    that transitioning from short-form success to longer formats may not guarantee
    immediate success.

    Sentiment around long-form content is predominantly negative, comprising a
    substantial portion of online discussions. Approximately 61% of users express negative
    opinions about long-form videos online, whereas only 39% hold positive views. As
    TikTok navigates this transition, it must be mindful of these reservations and work to
    eliminate doubts while demonstrating the unique value of its long-form offerings.


    TikTok’s potential expansion to allow 30-minute video uploads represents a significant
    shift towards more in-depth content. This move not only enriches the platform’s content
    but also opens up new revenue streams for creators through the Creativity Program.
    Insights from data show that users are gradually spending more time on TikTok,
    watching content longer than a minute, indicating a shift in user behavior. Creators who
    embrace longer videos are experiencing rapid growth in followers, demonstrating the
    potential of this shift.

    However, TikTok should be cautious, considering Instagram’s struggles with IGTV, which
    faced challenges in convincing users to engage with longer videos. Addressing user
    skepticism and showcasing the unique value of its long-form offerings will be crucial for
    TikTok’s success in this transition.

    This underscores the need for TikTok to not only offer longer content but also ensure
    that it delivers captivating and meaningful experiences that justify extended viewing
    time. As TikTok navigates this transition, it must be mindful of these reservations and
    work diligently to eliminate doubts among its user base.


    Written By: Jessica Carrasco, Josue Saldana, Ryan Distaso

