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    April 9, 2024
    LinkedIn Tests New Short-Form Video Feed

    LinkedIn stands as the go-to network for professionals globally, offering more than just
    networking. It’s a hub for job seekers, recruiters, and industry trend watchers. With its
    recent test of a short-form video feed, LinkedIn will adapt to current content trends,
    enhancing its appeal to content creators and marketers alike.¹ Let’s explore how these
    updates are redefining professional engagement on the platform.

    LinkedIn’s Evolution: Networking Powerhouse to Video-Driven Innovations

    LinkedIn has grown to become the world’s leading professional social network, with a
    membership surpassing 1 billion from over 200 countries. Each day, about 134.5 million
    users log in to connect and engage, and nearly half of its members are active on a
    monthly basis.² This vast and active user base underlines its dominance in the
    professional networking space.

    Innovating further, LinkedIn is stepping into the dynamic world of short-form video, beta
    testing a new TikTok-like feed that offers a new way to browse professional content.³
    This feature allows users to explore vertical videos on career and business topics,
    enhancing user interaction through likes, comments, and shares. The aim is to combine
    professional content with the engaging quick-consumption style, thus enriching the user
    experience with relevant and detailed insights. This strategic move reflects LinkedIn’s
    response to the growing appetite for video content, positioning it as a forward-thinking
    platform for professional learning and networking. As LinkedIn fine-tunes this feature,
    it’s clear the platform is evolving, potentially setting a new standard for how
    professionals connect and learn in a video-preferred digital landscape.

    LinkedIn’s Data-Driven Video Push: A Closer Look

    According to research conducted by online video production company, Wyzowl, 69% of
    video marketers rated LinkedIn’s efficiency as the second-most effective platform for
    video marketing. LinkedIn has demonstrated its ability to captivate business outcomes
    and professional audiences. With its professional environment and targeted audience,
    LinkedIn is a great tool for marketers. 79% of firms utilize it for video marketing, which
    shows how dependent businesses are becoming on digital marketing.

    In response to user demand for networking and professional development, LinkedIn
    launched a short-form video feed. This section offers accessible career information,
    industry insights, and assistance with job searches. By making this modification,
    creators and industry professionals may show off their expertise and stay up to date
    with the evolving trends in digital consumption. Through integrations with well-known
    social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, LinkedIn aims to enhance user
    engagement, content discoverability, and revenue opportunities. This could increase
    brand recognition and attract new creators.

    Predictions & Takeaways

    As LinkedIn tests short-form videos on their platform, it’s clear they are gearing up for a
    future where video content is king. With this, LinkedIn will have to adapt their video
    content to be job-specific, potentially allowing even greater insight into the job market.
    This new shift could also include the creation of industry-specific content, like live Q&A
    sessions and webinars.

    Moreover, companies can utilize video feeds to strengthen their employer brand,
    showcasing their work culture, employee testimonials, and corporate social
    responsibility initiatives. This enhanced branding effort can attract top talent and
    improve overall market perception.

    Finally, LinkedIn videos can generate substantial data on viewer engagement and
    preferences. Companies can harness analytics to refine their recruitment strategies,
    target ideal candidates more effectively, and personalize the job-seeking experience.

    The potential introduction of a video feed on LinkedIn represents a significant shift in
    the digital landscape of professional networking and job searching. It promises to add a
    new dimension to personal branding, employer transparency, and user engagement. As
    the platform evolves, businesses and individuals will need to adapt to these changes,
    leveraging video content to stand out in the increasingly competitive job market and
    industry sectors.


    Written By: Jessica Carrasco, Josue Saldana, Ryan Distaso


