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    March 20, 2024
    TikTok Gives New Face to Creator Compensation

    TikTok has officially announced its Creator Rewards Program, an evolution from its
    previously beta-tested Creativity Program, which aims to monetize creative
    contributions and maintain an engaging content environment. This move not only adds
    to revenue potential for creators but also opens doors to real-world opportunities—with
    the condition that videos must exceed a minute to qualify.¹
    In a strategic move, TikTok’s

    upcoming program not only reflects its dedication to supporting its creative community
    but also hints at embracing long-form content, aiming to grow user engagement and
    expand its content spectrum.

    Inside TikTok’s Creator Rewards Program: A New Compensation Framework

    TikTok’s Creator Rewards Program is setting a new precedent for compensating
    creators, emphasizing four main criteria: originality, play duration, search value, and
    audience engagement. The goal of this strategic approach is to reward content creators
    for their distinctive contributions and abilities to captivate audiences while promoting a
    richer and more diverse content environment. The platform has noticed a notable
    change in user behavior: viewers are spending 50% more time watching longer-form
    videos, and the number of people watching content longer than one minute has
    increased by almost 40%.² This pattern reflects the increasing demand for in-depth
    content on TikTok and aligns with the program’s goal of promoting the creation of
    lengthier, more interesting videos

    The revamped Rewards Program offers creators a great chance to increase their profits
    considerably. According to TikTok, creators taking part in the initiative can expect to
    make up to 20 times as much as they could have with the old Creator Fund. Recent data,
    which shows a 250% growth in total creator revenue over the previous six months,
    supports this optimistic estimate. Furthermore, the number of creators earning $50,000
    per month has doubled, indicating the program’s effectiveness in elevating creator
    income.³ This financial incentive is intended to draw and keep top talent to the platform,
    increasing its value as a place for content makers, in addition to rewarding creativity and

    Brand-Creator Relationships Influencing Platform Pay

    The launch of the TikTok Creative Rewards Program and the opportunity to earn more
    money without being saturated by advertisements, point to a shift in the creative
    economy, especially when it comes to the way it will affect the connection between
    brands and creators. Those offering direct payments might change the traditional
    activity of brand partnerships. Creators who benefit from these major platform earnings
    could afford to be pickier, which means many will prioritize their reputation over new
    partnerships. This change reveals a more thoughtful approach to brand engagement for
    well-paid creators. This shifting landscape is further complicated by data from Karat
    Financial, which demonstrates sharp differences in revenue between platforms. For
    instance, while TikTok creators may see a profit of around $473 from its Creator Fund,
    Twitch streamers with similar viewers are able to make an average profit of $542,208.
    It’s a major contrast that highlights the wide range of earnings across different
    platforms. This sort of divide not only highlights the financial opportunities for creators
    but also the challenging environment for brands aiming to engage with them.

    Predictions & Takeaways

    With the Creator Rewards Program encouraging longer videos for more pay, there’s a
    clear signal towards the growing appetite for in-depth content on social media
    platforms. It’s also paving the way for more diverse storytelling on the platform, which is
    a clever blend of understanding market demands while promoting a more creative and
    engaged community. Although TikTok’s new Creator Rewards Program gives creators a
    cash boost, there’s a chance that it could replace material, which could weaken the
    platform’s unique creative outreach.

    With social media paying creators directly, they will surely join platforms that promise
    better payouts—it’s a game changer for those looking to get the most bang for their


    Written By: Jessica Carrasco, Josue Saldana, Ryan Distaso

