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    October 2, 2023
    TikTok’s Next Phase of Online Search is Partnered With Google


    Image Sourced from Unsplash

    TikTok-Google Search Integration

    In a surprising move, TikTok and Google are testing out a new feature where users can
    extend their searches to Google directly within the app. That way, if someone is curious
    about something they’ve seen on TikTok, they can dive deeper into Google to get more

    Who’s Accountable?

    TikTok stated they’re experimenting with this feature. However, they’re emphasizing that
    the results that Google pulls up are Google’s responsibility, not TikTok’s. On the other

    hand, Google has stayed pretty quiet, not giving away any details about their
    involvement or any financial agreements they might have with TikTok.

    A Perfect Blend for Advertisers

    So, why are these two giants considering working together? Well, app researcher Radu
    Oncescu believes it could mean more online traffic and possibly more revenue from ads
    for both.1 Combining TikTok’s youthful audience with Google’s extensive search
    capabilities might create a perfect storm for advertisers.

    Google’s Ongoing Battles

    However, this news does come at a curious time. Google is currently facing scrutiny
    from the US Justice Department over its dominant position in online search.1 Some
    even say Google’s feeling the heat from platforms like TikTok, which are becoming
    popular search spots for younger users.

    TikTok’s Continuous Evolution

    As for TikTok, this is just one of many upgrades they’ve made to improve user
    experience. They’ve already started adding info snippets from sources like Wikipedia
    and IMDb. They also recently opened their search ad feature to all advertisers.
    Experts like social media consultant Matt Navarra see this as a strategic move for
    TikTok.1 With this partnership, they can better understand their users’ online behaviors,
    which is invaluable data for any social platform.2

    Google’s Visual Search Ambition

    For Google, this could be a step into making their searches more visual and dynamic.
    They’ve already been highlighting TikTok videos in their search results.2
    This collaboration between TikTok and Google could reshape how we think of online
    searches. Instead of two separate paths and two social media giants fighting for your
    attention, they could both use their key strengths in advertising to eliminate each other’s
    weaknesses, changing the way advertising will be done forever.

    Written By: Logan Koteras

